Jul 3, 2022Weekend BluesI am more afraid of, threatened by weekends than weekdays. Mental health ruins my capacity for fun.
Jun 22, 2022NervesI live in a constant state of worry - who will I be on the other side of recovery, and will people like me?
Jun 21, 2022LostI am obsessed with my business but equally feel lost, depleted and unsure. Do I quit now and will I be happier for it?
Jun 16, 2022Co-working OfficeI joined a co-working space to help normalise socialising and eating habits - unfortunately, I have not enjoyed one free perk yet.
Jun 7, 2022May 7th 2022Today is my friend's birthday. Not even about me and yet I feel nervous, the eating disorder like a Scarlett Letter on my dress.
May 31, 2022Outgrowing ClothesI have to consciously not overthink body change. Otherwise it will get to me that I no longer look or feel how I used to.
May 26, 2022FailureIn terms of what ‘success’ means to me - my business is far from it. And when I fail in business, I fail elsewhere.
May 25, 2022CelluliteCellulite has been my nemesis since the age of 16, I still struggle with it twelve years later.
May 8, 2022Nelson GoodmanI am curious - if I was honest with myself sooner, would my business be more successful today?
Apr 29, 2022PersistenceA job that I love but has a high chance of no reward. Welcome to running a business.